Friday, January 6, 2012

January Update

Total : 45 Hours

It was around 50F today. Amazing for a midwest january. Ive been working daily for the past week in the garden. A lot less sore today than some of the previous days. Must be the warmer weather. Put in about 7 hours of double-digging over the last two days. Plenty of neighbors stop by to ask whats going on. I have a theory : If you stand outside your house for hours on end, doing something different, someone is bound to walk by and ask what you are getting up to. The weather forecast for the next week is pretty warm and without precipitation. Guess I'll be here all week! Finding heaps more worms in the soil. The bed I was working on today was loaded with them. Some night crawler sized ones too!! It is interesting where you find them in the soil stratification. They should be really busy with all the new fluffy soil given to them.

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