Friday, June 28, 2013

Thunderstorm, hail, and rain stopped my work. Here's Photos!

Spent the afternoon building the frame work for the solar panels. Everyone driving down the adjoining street was confused about the new sights that hasn't ever changed. They were baffled. I waved at nearly all of them. Got a few honks as well. It could have been the sight of a 5 foot 7 inch (135lbs) man lifting rough sawn 6x6 beams that are 8 foot tall onto concrete posts. Strong man competition anyone? LOL I am surprised they don't weight more. Kiln-dried really helps out!

Luckily I had my tool box with the chisel. The beams are actual 6x6 whilst the simpson ties that attach them to the concrete piers is 5 1/2 by 5 1/2. *shrugs* 

Still feeling blessed that the concrete work is finished. Carpentry... I can do carpentry. I have never been above erecting some ungainly structure in a front yard before. (Think bean trellis in Michigan..)

Here is what I managed to get done before hail and soaking rain snuffed me out. Tomorrow should be a good day to finish up the structure, get the panels up, components attached etc. Some wiring... As soon as this portion is done, then I can use power tools to finish my house. Powered all by sweat and sunshine!

- Cloud

View from Afar.

Solar array build up to stopping for Hail

Purty Vivid Cacti

Thunderstorm over my backyard


  1. What's that big hole in the foreground of the first picture? Gopher? Groundhog? Sn-n-n-a-a-k-e??? EEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeek!!

    1. ;-) could be... Im not in a position at the moment to shove my much needed hand in there to root around and find out for certain.
